Wednesday, October 17, 2007

And Just in Time for Halloween...

Tagged by Gypsy.. I'm forced to answer the following.. well not forced per se.. but you know what I mean.. :P


1. How old do you think you'll be when you die?
I'm older than dirt NOW.. so I guess older than older than dirt.

2. How will you die?
Hopefully quick enuff to only have time for 3 last werds.

3. What will your last words be?
Jesus save me!

4. What will your epitaph read?
He did.

5. Any parts of your body you wouldn't donate?
Yes, all of them, how else will I explain my left eye belonging to some other woman from New Jersey at the ressurection?!?

6. What song will be played at your funeral?
Who Threw the Overalls in Mrs Murphys Chowder. It's an Irish classic.

7. Cremated, buried or "other"?
Personally I'd rather skip the 6 feet under thing and just get raptured. Hey, it worked for Elijah didn't it?!?

8. If you could take one thing with you to the "next life", what would it be?
Everyone I know. As a collective unit this counts as one *thing*, rite?

9. If you could take one person with you, whether they like it or not, who would it be?
My husband, and at the rate he drives, this might actually be quite feasible...

10. Supposing they existed, do you think you'd end up in heaven or hell?
Heaven, somebody already paid my deposit!

11. If you could haunt any one place, where would it be?
Uhm.. I do that now.....

12. If you could haunt any one person, who would it be?
Uhm I do that now too.....

13. What type of ghost would you be?
A holy ghost. NO not THE holy ghost, just a holy ghost.

14. You've been given the chance to send one message back to the land of the living. What does it say?
Everything the bible said? It was true.

So whoever is reading this has been ghost tagged.. so get to it then!


Blogger MargieCM said...

Great responses Lace. I especially liked your song choice and the collective "thing".

Tell that husband of yours to ease off on the go pedal. No matter how lovely you might find the afterlife, whatever it may be, it'll still be there when you're both good and ready for it!

12:13 AM  
Blogger gypsy noir said...

Hahaha!, great stuff Lace..i've not had the pleasure of that song
' Who Threw the Overalls in Mrs Murphys Chowder' but it sounds jolly, which is what I will remember you as when I get kicked out of heaven and my depostit slung back in me face!..
Tell your hubs to ease off that pedal! we want you around till we're at least 99!..

5:54 AM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

Yep Margie, I'm takin' you all with me!! ::suspects she may have to tie a rope to Neil and dangle him before Gypsy as *bait*:: :P

gypsy (and Margie).. ill find that song and link to it.. its a must hear! perhaps i should cover it for the next *blogger project*!

As for the hub, I'll been yelling (and sometimes screaming in sheer terror) as a passenger for years. It would prolly be easier to just drive myself!


9:12 AM  
Blogger Tink said...

lol ... most excellent!

:::mutters:::: hey..ghosts can't tag, dammit.

1:14 PM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...



3:46 PM  
Blogger ROB said...

Good answers, good answers...
I'm not one to beieve in ghosts of any type, but I'll except your "tagging" if only for the reason that I think I can come up with some funny stuff from it!
Then again...If I can't...then what??


10:52 PM  
Blogger Anne-Marie said...

Ha ha, I love #9! Maybe your hubby will be there seconds ahead, ho,ding the door for you. And no one writes songs like the Irish.


9:16 AM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

Rob, I have serious *faith* you will come up with some good ones!! :P

Anne Marie, True story- one day we were on a interstate highway traveling north. There were 2 mac trucks in front of us. We were climbing a long hill, on a curve, which was soon to crest. Just left of the passing lane was a 50 drop off the side of a cliff. Now, *I* could tell that the mac truck just in front of us was itching to pass the one in front of it. And *I* could also tell that it's driver had NO CLUE were we behind it because my hub was tailgaiting and we could not see it's side mirrors! Despite my protests my hub moved out into the left passing lane (you know, the one with the 50 dropoff) and we were about 1/4 of the way up the side of the truck when IT STARTED TO PULL INTO OUR LANE TO PASS ALSO. I started screaming and tried to climb into the back seat, as the tires of the truck were headed into my passenger door. My hub's solution was to a) yell at me for screaming and b) BEEP HIS HORN! Amid my screams to hit his brake he finally did which dropped our speed just enough for the truck to fully move into the passing lane and miss bumping us off the cliff, by a few feet. And you are right, no one writes song like the Irish! :P


1:17 PM  
Blogger Tink said...

holy moses. mebbe your hubby will be gettin' home 'afore ye!

1:02 PM  
Blogger Oregongirl82 said...

Hi. I just have to tell you, I absolutely love your response on #10, that someone "already paid your deposit". I never heard it phrased that way. I liked it so much that I went and wrote my own little blog about it, and found a verse to go along with it! So thanks for sharing the thought, and for letting me borrow it! ... and don't worry, I linked it back to you so it's properly attributed ;)

11:47 AM  

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