And Speaking of Sisters...
... I've another one, *Aunt Ajan*, (she's the one who ratted on the first) who loves Aerosmith. She too once edged her way to the front of a stage, this one at an outdoor Aerosmith concert, in order to get an upfrontandpersonal kinda view. As it so turned out, there were many fans who pressed their way to the front, anxiously waiting for the band to appear. More than a few of them, having imbibed a lil too much, were removed backstage to a *medic tent* to *recover*. Despite the early hour, things were apparently not going so well in the medic tent; a bouncer appeared and announced the need for aid from any medical personnel in the audience. My sister's friend immediately announced, "I am a nurse!" She was. So the bouncer plucked her out of the crowd like a flower and proceeded to bring her backstage. My sister, realizing a golden opportunity was about to slip away, immediately announced, "I am a paramedic!" She was not. But the bouncer lifted her onto the stage to bring her backstage as well. A third accompanying friend, realizing she was about to be left alone amidst a sea of strangers, simply screamed, "Hey! I'm with them!!" And so the bouncer lifted her up onto the stage to bring her along with the nurse and the liar.
Backstage the trio wandered, under a tent littered with cots upon which imbibers moaned and languished, looking for the band. As the nurse feigned interest over the ill, the other two were eyeing all entrance roads in hopes of catching a glimpse of Tyler, or perhaps Perry. Or even a guitar string. When a staffer slowly passed my sister, turning to glance back at her out of the corner of his eye, Aunt Ajan quickly grabbed a medical chart sitting on the bottom of a cot and fumbled with it, mumbling something to the nurse about vital signs. Just as she was about to look legit, a big bus with covered windows pulled up behind the makeshift hospice. Flinging the chart, Aunt Ajan pointed and screamed, "There they are! There they are!!". The medical personnel all looked up. The staffers all looked up. The imbibers still conscious all looked up. And the aforementioned staffer, who had circled back around to linger a bit, looked up and then nonchalantly asked, "You're not a medic... are you?"
With shoudlers sagging, and nary a glimpse of the boys in the bus with the covered windows, my sister found herself escorted, with her friends, to the very back of the teeming crowd. And instead of a stage edge view, she was relegated to squinting at antlike figures, listening from afar. As she tells the story, it was a day of *almost* magic. The day she *almost* met Steve Tyler. Perhaps Aunt Ajan would have fared better if I'd drawn a portrait of Aerosmith instead of good ol' JT. But you know, I'll make no apologies, I'm really much more of a JT kinda girl. :)
Backstage the trio wandered, under a tent littered with cots upon which imbibers moaned and languished, looking for the band. As the nurse feigned interest over the ill, the other two were eyeing all entrance roads in hopes of catching a glimpse of Tyler, or perhaps Perry. Or even a guitar string. When a staffer slowly passed my sister, turning to glance back at her out of the corner of his eye, Aunt Ajan quickly grabbed a medical chart sitting on the bottom of a cot and fumbled with it, mumbling something to the nurse about vital signs. Just as she was about to look legit, a big bus with covered windows pulled up behind the makeshift hospice. Flinging the chart, Aunt Ajan pointed and screamed, "There they are! There they are!!". The medical personnel all looked up. The staffers all looked up. The imbibers still conscious all looked up. And the aforementioned staffer, who had circled back around to linger a bit, looked up and then nonchalantly asked, "You're not a medic... are you?"
With shoudlers sagging, and nary a glimpse of the boys in the bus with the covered windows, my sister found herself escorted, with her friends, to the very back of the teeming crowd. And instead of a stage edge view, she was relegated to squinting at antlike figures, listening from afar. As she tells the story, it was a day of *almost* magic. The day she *almost* met Steve Tyler. Perhaps Aunt Ajan would have fared better if I'd drawn a portrait of Aerosmith instead of good ol' JT. But you know, I'll make no apologies, I'm really much more of a JT kinda girl. :)
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