Friday, July 07, 2006

Ponce A Wanna Time..

Legend has it (well my mother is a Legend now) that's the way I started every story when I was young. *Once Upon a Time* eluded me for some reason ::shrugs:: anyway, two days ago I received a frantic phone call from my mom. She was on her cell phone (yes and she's got internet access at 74 too- my parents crack me up) frantically explaining that she was at the Emergency Room and could not get in touch with my sister who is a physicians assistant. Thanks mom. Whataboutme? Turns out I am the one with audiological training and so she got the rite kid after all. Anyway, she went on to tell me the story of her encounter with a firecracker, the teen who threw it, and a bank full of employees who flocked to the window and cheered as they watched her run him down and hold him captive until the police arrived.......

It all started innocently enough. My parents were sitting at the drive up at the bank. The day being as it was, my mother sat with her window rolled down on her passengers side. It wasn't but a minute before she found herself blinking in disbelief as a kid, walking through the parking lot, threw a lit firecracker which went her way. It entered the car and exploded at her right ear. As the kid began to run, picking bits and pieces of firecracker from her hair, mom threw open her car door and chased him down like the dog he is. (I've no idea if the kid's a dog, I just always wanted to say that). My father couldn't get out as he had pulled too close to the bank, nor could he pull the car ahead, because when she exited, mom left her door wide open, blocking any ability to pull through the stall. (Not like dad could have done much more than limp towards them anyway. We're looking into new knees for him). Incapicitated as he was, dad stated yelling to the teller, "CALL 911.. CALL 911!" She consequently rushed for the manager as a janitor came running from across the street to close mom's car door. The Legend has yet to tell what benefit the latter was to the situation. From what I gather, once free, my father still kept his distance.

Across the parking lot my mother had caught the culprit and now had him in a viselike grip by the front of his shirt. He screamed, she screamed, insults were traded. Having cornered him mom released his shirt and held him at bay. If he moved to one side, she blocked him with moves that would make Michael Jordan jealous. If he moved to the other side, she blocked him with moves that would make Magic Johnson jealous. The kid is just lucky there was no basket, as I've seen Tillie (the Legends nickname) livid. In all likelyhood she'd have torn off his head and scored 2 points.

From inside the bank a gaggle of tellers rushed to the window. My dad watched them pressing to see, jumping up and down, cheering, as Tillie held her captive at bay. When the police arrived the kid was charged; from what I understand there were actually LOTS of charges. He was digging such a hole for himself, at one point my MOM told him to shut up to keep from getting into deeper trouble. His response? "You can't tell me what to do." Teenagers. ::Rolls her eyes:::

As for her hearing? Mom does have some loss. As for how much and if it's permanent? I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, those who know me, now know why my sisters and I can run so fast. :P


Blogger Spiny said...

Can you get me her autograph??
Hopefully some CCTV has got the whole thing down and we'll get to see it on tv soon!
Go Tillie go!!!!

1:13 AM  
Blogger Fleur de Bee said...

TOTALLY a MADE FOR TV!!!! I second the wanting an autograph! LOL.

LOL ANDY- "go tillie go" !!!!!!

1:26 AM  
Blogger Metalchick said...

Wow! What your mom did is a very risky thing, but very brave!

"Go Tillie Go!!!"

Like most teenagers, that kid will learn his lessons the hard way while spending time in jail.

2:31 AM  
Blogger gypsy noir said...


6:44 AM  
Blogger Dale said...

It's the idea of a drive through bank that has me...

Fast money?

Do they offer it super-sized?

Your Mum sounds much like mine!
Mine would have probably sat on the culprit after cornering him.
She also suffers from hearing loss - but not the firecracker strain...

...and yes, she has internet in the rural location where they live, too.

Mum's got balls!


6:31 PM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...


You should hear my parents tell the story.. I rolled listening to it. Tillie surely is a *hero*, I only wish someone had called the news, can you imagine that top story??? The worst part for this kid will prolly be having to admit a 74 year old grandmother chased him down and held him at bay till the cops arrived LOLOL.


7:03 AM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

PS I'll see what I can do about the autographs! (grin)


7:03 AM  
Blogger Delbut said...

i want her to be my personal bodyguard! good work by your mum.

oh, and as for the spanking. I'm ready when you are!

10:35 AM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...


I'll tell her straight away, in the meantime..



12:44 PM  

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