Friday, July 08, 2005

Rachel Fuller

I've no clue why, but I am captivated by the VH1 reality show *Kept*. This is quite odd because if you knew me, you'd know I literally never watch TV. Never. Be that as it may, on the show several *younger men* are vying to become *older woman* Jerry Hall's (model/Mick Jagger's ex-wife) *kept man*. The winner receives (I believe) a year cavorting about as Jerry's escort, accompanying her to celebrity parties/social events, along with a hefty amount of cash. Listed as a competitive reality show, week after week contenders are put through Jerry's paces and one-by-one eliminated. Perhaps it's falling into her *Mrs Robinson* age bracket that has me hooked, or maybe it's the fascination of watching men 1/2 her age swim the Thames and attempt to throw dinner parties to win her attentions. In any case, the show's a hoot.

Part of what makes the watch so interesting is that Jerry's band of friends are helping her to chose the final lucky bloke (how British of me :P). In the last episode one of them, a Rachel Fuller, performed a live stint at what looked like a London pub's open mic. Rachel is reported to be Pete Townsend's (The Who) partner. I'd never heard of her before and listening to her performance at the pub, was impressed by her vocals. Comparable to Sarah Mclaughlin or Tori Amos, I consequently scouted down her debut CD. I liked it. I liked it alot. A classically trained musician, Fuller's works have been recorded by the London Chamber Orchestra. She is also credited with the arrangements on Townsend's Lifehouse project. Needless to say, her arrangements are lush and her vocals sweetly ethereal. If you're interested, treat yourself to a listen.

Barnes & Music - Cigarettes & Housework


Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

GAH, the Kept board! Mostly overrun with 13 year olds professing *undying love* for *the hot guys with no brains* ::rolls her eyes::

I think Rachael is very attractive. I also think she has a career ahead of her in music.

Thanks for stopping by!

11:48 PM  
Blogger rachel fuller said...

hey, check out and click on new signings. look forward to hearing from you.


3:00 PM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

Rachael, you say you are not photogenic???!!! You are positively gorgeous; the pics on your website came out excellent. Whosoever at Kept with negative things to say should bite their tongues completely off. Trying to figure out (help out) Anwar, I actually think he wrongly guessed your age simply because your friends are my age and he therefore assumed you would be closer to their age because you hang with them, not because you look it.

I loved watching the live video performance of *Into My Heart* at Eelpia. The arrangement is haunting; beginning classically classical, when you shift into full arrangement with drums and guitar it is uniquely beautiful. Where it becomes minimalistic and then halts, only to tumble into the full arrangement again is unparalleled. I do think it may be my favorite. I began playing piano by ear at age 4. By middle school I took classical piano and excelled but quit in high school. I am so sorry I did that now, for when I later switched to acoustic guitar my piano chops all but disappeared. I see you were composing by age 10. Amazing.

The pictures of you and Jerry Hall smoking cigarettes and *vacuuming* are great. (You both must quit- smoking of course- bad for the health- then again vacuuming could take a hike as well IMO!! ::grins::) I love the camaradie you share on the show. Jerry seems like a wonderful friend and person, writing Around This Table for her must have been a gesture she truly appreciated.

Come visit me again. If you're ever in the US and need a backup singer, don't hesitate to call me- LOL. I'll email as promised. :)


11:05 PM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

::Realizes she's been spulling Rachel's name incorrectly, fixes it where the blog allows:: :P

11:18 PM  
Blogger BlackVelvetLace said...

::Realizes she's also misspulled camaraderie. That's what one gets for posting in the middle of the night!:::

12:45 AM  

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