Thursday, July 07, 2005

Birdz of a Feather...

.. flock together. Considering the gaggle of old bandmates I've hung with over the last 20 years, I can attest that this maxim is not altogether true. How else do you explain the likes of me having once shared a stage with the likes of Karl Logan (Manowar)? I mean, c'mon the guy's not only wildly talented, he's well loved/well known on the European heavy metal scene; I am still fingerpicking an unplugged version of Landslide at the corner cafe. He's an atheist; I'm a Christian. Manowar is in Guinness for breaking the sound barrier; I wear ear plugs to coffee house open mikes for cryin' out loud. Fame and fortune was his dream; it was never mine.

Despite the differences, when music is the tie that binds, it doesn't seem to matter much tho, does it? Just look at the kidz that spent the weekend. Music allowed us to speak the same language. As for Karl, I could still pick up the phone to say *hey*. So then, maybe for musicians it's really *viva la difference*. Nah, I like the bird reference better, but if I'm a nightingale, given that Karl's hair is longer and prettier than mine, would that make him.. a peacock?


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